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 Index / Algemeen / Douane icm Schiphol aankoop (info!)


Dear all, this is my first entry. So glad to be able to take part in this interesting forum. I have learned alot from all the Rolex experts here. What a great way to learn and to share our common love for Rolex watches.

Having lived in The Netherlands for more than 20 years, I do have my share of encounters with customs on my return from overseas trips. I believe Customs could see from the baggage tag the previous country of embarkment. Even if one travels from a non-EU country and transiting through an EU country, the country of embarkment counts. The amount that is allowed to be brought in and exempted from VAT is 430 euro. My friend who bought some electonic goods (tax free) from Schiphol and travelled out of EU and later returned via een EU country was stopped at Customs. As the amount was above 430 euro and he did not declare on entrance, he was fined and had to pay VAT and some other amount. It became rather expensive!

Has anyone got some concrete answers from Customs?



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